Sunday, April 1, 2018

York Countryside

Tuesday, May 9, York

We are up a bit early and have some good breakfast at our hotel. Our goal is to not miss our day tour of the countryside near York.

We see a white horse and visit the North York Moors. Lots of sheep roaming a beautiful countryside. Not sure the sheep appreciate the scenery - mostly they just chew on it. We spend some time at the market town of Helmsley and the seaside town of Whitby with its ruined Abbey. We also take a ride on a 100+ year old steam train from Grosmont to Goathland - touristy but good scenic fun.

Dinner is at Ambiente - good tapas and good wine, cannot go wrong with that combination.

I rode through Yorkshire on a horse with no name...

Just so I remember where we were

Hemsley town garden

Helmsley pastry delights
Ruin of Helmsley Abbey

Meal at Humble Pie in Whitby - so good and so bad
View of Whitby from stairs to Abbey

Whitby Abbey

Graves at Whitby Abbey

More of the Abbey

Coal fired steam train

Our train awaits

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