Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 1 in London

Friday, May 5, London

We wake at a reasonable hour, have some continental breakfast and then are off to Westminster Abbey. The abbey is famous for being the site of coronations and royal weddings. Just as important, it is the burial place of numerous royalty and notable people in English history. The markers range from simple plates in the floor to highly ornate carvings. My favorites are the physicists such as Faraday, Maxwell and the big guy, Isaac Newton. They do not allow photography inside, so please go to their website to get a feel for the place.

We have a fabulous lunch at the Sale E Pepe (Italian for salt and pepper) with Bev and Bill. The four of us are then off on the Hop On/Hop Off bus for a tourist's view of London. Kind of fun actually, but a cold wind makes sitting on the open top deck a bit bracing.

Dinner is with Carol's niece, Bonnie. She has been traveling and working at various places around the world, but is soon to return to her hometown of Toronto. Dinner was good and the company even better.

Big Ben - the clock, not the tower

A typical pub - British ale, yum

So London

The Thames

View of Westminster Abbey with Tower of Big Ben
A popular place to visit, but the line moves rapidly.

Where in the world is Dr. Bob?

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